Puppy Training

transform your new puppy
from tyranny to tranquillity

Has your new puppy turned your world upside down?

You thought it would be easy, your puppy would love you, you’d instantly bond and they’d do as you ask.

You imagined them snuggled up to you on the sofa, look lovingly into your eyes, sitting nicely for their food…

The reality is they’re biting your hands, shredding your clothes and you’ve lost count of the number of puddles you’ve had to clean up.

Puppies are hard work!

I’m here to help.

Life with your new puppy not how you pictured it?

You read the books, joined the facebook groups and spoke to all your friends. Lot’s of people have dogs. Surely it can’t be that hard?

But your puppy seems different. They are more bitey than other people’s, they have a crazy hour every evening where they bounce off the sofa, the walls, and you. They’re wide-eyed and look like a mad thing. They don’t seem to learn and they don’t understand when you say ‘no’. You’re worried you’ve not bonded with them as well as you thought you would.

I’m Hannah, the dog psychologist.

And I know how much a puppy can turn your life upside down. Having had a new addition to my home very recently, it’s all too real.

You imagined they’d lie quietly at your feet while you work in the day, be snuggled up on the sofa with you in the evenings, and you’d show them off to people on your walks in the park.

The reality is they are manic, they don’t want to sit still long enough for a cuddle, and they bite when you try to stroke them.

You thought the crate would help but they cry and bark when you put them in and it seems to make things worse.

Black schnoodle puppy on rug surrounded by shredded toilet paper - puppy training - Hannah Birrell The Dog Psychologist London

On walks they either sit down and refuse to move, or pull on the lead trying to get to every dog, leaf or cat they see.

It’s impossible to get in the shower because you daren’t take your eyes off them. They’ll chew or pee or worse still, hurt themselves if you’re not watching.

It feels like your puppy is different. If everyone experienced this, surely someone would have told you?

You thought the puppy would understand that you love them and are doing what’s best for them. But now you’re confused. There’s so much advice out there and its so contradictory. Maybe you’re not doing it right.

Surely it’s not always this hard?

Bringing a puppy in to your home is hard.

It’s exhausting, worrying and stressful. But it’s also exciting and enriching and oh so joyful!

You know you can do this. You just need a few pointers to get you back on track.

I can help. Bespoke and tailored to you, I will be with you step-by-step to put a training plan in place.

Wave goodbye to the worry of not knowing if you’re getting it right. Say hello to confident, determined you, who knows exactly what to do.

We will build a bespoke programme together, to meet your needs. Your training journey is entirely unique to you and your puppy.

Some of the things we could include in your training plan:

  • Calm behaviours at home

  • Beginning basic cues (sit, stay, recall, leave)

  • Manners around food and jumping up

  • Handing for vet visits and grooming

  • Toilet training

  • Eliminating biting and chewing

  • Learning to spend time alone

  • Focus and attention on you

I have a plan. It’s effective, it’s structured, it’s a tried and tested pathway.

And it’s right this way.

What can you expect from me?

If you choose to work with me to get support for your puppy, you will have:

  • A structured, easy to follow plan, updated after each session with next steps

  • Strategies for preventing and managing unwanted behaviour

  • Training techniques which set your puppy up to succeed

  • Emotional support throughout your journey

  • The tools and techniques to continue your training journey together  

  • The security of knowing you’re getting it right

    How does that sound?

This service is for you if:

  • You want relief from puppy behaviours such as nipping, jumping, and chewing.

  • You want to gain confidence in what you’re doing and how you’re handling your puppy.

  • You want to get the whole family on the same page for your puppy’s training.

  • You believe in training with love, using kind, ethical, science-backed methods

  • You need help to set up your home and garden to properly manage your new puppy.

  • You know that training takes time, consistency and patience and you’re prepared to do the work.

Choose your level of support

Puppy Training Bespoke was £480 now £432

You’ll receive a customized plan with my proven process to reduce overwhelm, improve your puppy’s behaviour, and regain tranquillity in your home.

This package includes:

  • 4x 1-hour Private Bespoke Training Sessions

  • Handouts and action plan after each session

  • 4x 15-minute Check In Phone Calls

  • Custom created how-to videos

  • Customized Shopping List for your needs

  • Support for 12 weeks on email/whatsapp

By the end of our programme you will understand your puppy better, have tailored solutions in place to deal with any eventuality and you will know no matter how far they’ve come that you’ve done the absolute best for them. Getting them off to the very best start.

Ask an Expert 30min phone or video call £30

If you have questions or concerns about your puppy’s daily care, behaviour or training needs, a quick call might be all you need to feel reassured and get back on track. Book a call if you want to know:

  • Is this normal…?

  • Why does my puppy do …?

  • What can I do about …?

    • biting

    • chewing

    • night-time waking

    • that crazy hour they have in the evening

Get answers to your burning questions!

By the end of our call you will understand your puppy better, feel reassured, and know you’re getting it right. Making life a little better for you and for them.

Within the London North/South Circular, services are delivered in-person.

Nationwide consults take place via Zoom.

What happens next?

Choose your perfect package

Decide whether you’d prefer to opt for the Puppy Training Bespoke plan or the 30 minute Ask an Expert call.

Tell me all about your dog

I'll send you a behaviour questionnaire, to collect some background information about you, your dog and your challenges.

I’ll create a plan, just for you

I support you with bespoke, tailored 1-1 advice and solutions to suit you, your puppy and your lifestyle.

We help your dog, together

You get to enjoy your dog, knowing you’ve done everything you can to give them the very best life.

It always seems impossible until it’s done.

Nelson Mandela


  • As a recent puppy parent myself, I know how much work you have to put in to teaching them. That’s why I offer sessions in blocks of 4 x 1 hour. This will give us opportunity to explore various aspects of your life and how you want your puppy to fit in with you. We can teach some basics and build on them so you see results you need. My 1-1 bespoke training allows us to work together to put the skills you learn in to practise.

  • The puppy sessions don’t need a veterinary referral as we focus on basic training.

    If in a rare case it becomes apparent during our sessions that your puppy has a more complex issue, I may ask you to contact your vet to address any potential underlying health issues which may be contributing to your puppy’s behaviour. In those cases we would need your vets approval in order to continue our work together.

  • Absolutely! You can book as many sessions as you’d like to continue our training journey together.

  • All puppies are different and progress depends on how well you can manage your pups environment, how much time you have for training, and how your pup responds to it. Everyone’s journey is unique to them and its important not to compare your journey to someone else’s. What I can tell you, is that together, we will make sure your puppy has the very best start.

  • Having a hyperactive puppy is a lot of work in itself! Our training will help make things easier, smoother and safer. If you already spend a good part of your day thinking, reading and obsessing over your puppy’s behaviour, it probably won’t add much time to your day. We will use the time you spend already on enrichment, training and worrying, and make it more constructive. You will have a structured plan, broken down into stages, and we’ll work through it together step-by-step. Outside of our sessions you’ll need about 15mins per day to prep and practise the exercises. And the rest will happen during time you’re already spending with your pup.

  • I am available on email and WhatsApp for 6 weeks from your first session. I will answer any questions you have and keep your training on track. You can send videos on WhatsApp and I can offer feedback on your training, or insight in to your puppy’s behaviour. You will also have weekly phone or video check-in calls with me.

    My business hours are Monday-Thursday midday-9pm, and Friday 10am-4pm. I respond to emails within 3 business days, and reply to WhatsApp same business day. WhatsApp messages sent out of hours will receive a reply the following business day.

  • It’s always better to get started sooner, as the more time your puppy practises an unwanted behaviour, the harder it is to change. If needed we can extend the time it takes to complete your programme to allow for holidays. Just let me know during our first session.

  • I’d like to meet all your family members during our initial session. Your dog will respond better if you’re consistent in your training, and that means everyone who trains, walks and plays with them doing the same thing. This programme will get you all on the same page and working consistently with your dog.

  • Whilst puppies do grow out of certain things, more often they grow into them. The more often your puppy practises an unwanted behaviour, the better and faster they get, and the more likely they are to do it again in the future. Seeking help sooner is always better. And if you think things aren’t too bad, well as they say, ‘prevention is better than cure’. Getting into good habits early in your puppy’s life will set you up for a wonderful future together. If you’re really not sure, my 30 min Ask an Expert call can help.

Are you ready to transform your puppy from tyranny to tranquility?

Still have questions? Book a call here